🦆 Tutorial 19 - LCD1602

LCD1602 is a 16-character by 2-line alphanumeric LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) module. It is a commonly used display module that can display up to 32 ASCII characters in two lines of 16 characters each. The module consists of a display controller and a standard HD44780 LCD controller.

The LCD1602 module is widely used in various electronic projects, such as DIY robots, weather stations, and digital clocks, because of its low power consumption and easy-to-use interface. It can display alphanumeric characters, symbols, and graphics, making it a versatile display option.

The LCD1602 module uses a parallel interface to communicate with microcontrollers or other devices, and it requires a minimum of six pins to connect to a microcontroller. These pins include power and ground connections, as well as data and control signals.

To display characters on the LCD1602 module, the microcontroller sends commands and data to the display controller, which converts the signals into pixel patterns on the screen. The module can be controlled using a variety of programming languages, including C, C++, and Python.

Overall, the LCD1602 module is an important component in many electronic projects, providing a simple and reliable way to display information in an easy-to-read format. Its versatility and ease of use make it a popular choice for hobbyists and professionals alike.

Components Needed

Raspberry Pi Pico W1
Micro USB Cable1
I2C LCD16021

Fritzing Diagram


from lcd1602 import LCD
import utime

lcd = LCD()
string = " Hello!\n"
string = "    Sunfounder!"

Code Explanation