🦄 Tutorial 18 - RGB LED Strip

An RGB LED strip is a flexible circuit board containing multiple individually addressable RGB LEDs. The WS2812 is a specific type of RGB LED chip that is commonly used in these strips. The strip is controlled by a microcontroller or other circuitry that sends digital signals to each LED to control its color and brightness.

Each WS2812 LED chip contains three LEDs, one for red, green, and blue, along with a control circuit that allows each LED to be individually addressed and controlled. By varying the brightness of each of these colors, a wide range of colors can be produced, allowing for dynamic and customizable lighting effects.

The WS2812 LED strip can be cut to size and reconnected as needed, making it highly versatile and adaptable to a wide range of applications. It is often used in interior design, stage lighting, and home automation projects to provide dynamic lighting effects.

One advantage of the WS2812 LED strip is its ease of use and compatibility with many popular microcontrollers and programming languages. It can be easily controlled with a wide range of programming languages, including Arduino, Python, and JavaScript.

Overall, the WS2812 RGB LED strip is an important component in lighting design and home automation, providing a highly customizable and dynamic lighting solution for a wide range of applications.

Components Needed

Raspberry Pi Pico W1
Micro USB Cable1
WS2812 RGB Strip1

Fritzing Diagram


import machine
from ws2812 import WS2812

ws = WS2812(machine.Pin(0),8)

ws[0] = [64,154,227]
ws[1] = [128,0,128]
ws[2] = [50,150,50]
ws[3] = [255,30,30]
ws[4] = [0,128,255]
ws[5] = [99,199,0]
ws[6] = [128,128,128]
ws[7] = [255,100,0]

Code Explanation