Learning board - 1

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The first board in this series of learning boards consists of a few input and output devices. To get you started learning the Raspberry Pi Pico. From this board, we will do 7 Simple Lessons. You can easily change the task to fit your students need or create more lessons. The Gerber file to learning board 1 is available to download here:

Electronic Components Review:


Description: A semiconductor light source that emits light when an electric current flows through it. LEDs are commonly used as indicators in electronic circuits. How it works: It emits light when electrons recombine with electron holes in the device, releasing energy in the form of photons. Usage: Indicators, display elements, illumination.


Description: A passive two-terminal electronic component that resists the flow of electric current. How it works: It limits the current flowing through a circuit and is characterized by its resistance value. Usage: Current limiting, voltage division, setting bias points.

Push Button

Description: A switch that is activated by pushing it. How it works: Completes or interrupts an electric circuit when pressed. Usage: User input, toggling, control switches.

HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

Description: An ultrasonic ranging module that measures distance using ultrasonic waves. How it works: Sends ultrasonic pulses and measures the time taken for the echo to return to calculate distance. Usage: Distance measurement, object detection.

Passive Buzzer

Description: An audio signaling device that does not generate a tone on its own. How it works: It requires an external waveform to produce sound. Usage: Alarms, notifications, simple sound generation.

SSD1306 0.96 inch

Description: A small OLED (Organic Light Emitting Diode) display. How it works: Each pixel is a small organic LED, and the display emits light when an electric current is applied. Usage: Display information, graphics, user interface.

Components Needed

Breadboard Version

Raspberry Pi Pico W1
Micro USB Cable1
Resistor17 (330Ω)

PCB Version

Raspberry Pi Pico W1
Micro USB Cable1
Resistor17 (330Ω)


This is a work in progress project, and will take a long time to have a polished textbook and worksheets, but I will constantly update the project on my website with resources, so visit my website for more updates and if you want to contribute please reach out to me.